Saturday, June 6, 2009


A late Memorial Day post but a worthy one. Costello, my godson, and I shopped for the soldiers at war today. For the last two years we have shipped supplies to the soldiers through We have made a commitment to send a selection of the supplies they requested on the site several times a year. You can actually pick a soldier from any state and view his unit’s list.

After traveling the state in 2007 photographing the parents of soldiers who lost their children in the war, I was moved to do what I could to help and support the soldiers. It taught me that until you sit in the living room of a family that lost their child in the war, you would never truly understand its consequences.

Images above: Costello and his sister Carmela with the supplies. And Harry and his family, they buried their son in their backyard near Tallahassee. A request he gave his father before leaving for Iraq.

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